

1. 當你偷翻你姐妹的東西,然後聽到她上樓的腳步聲

When you're snooping through your sister's stuff and you hear her coming up the stairs:

2. 當你想穿他的衣服出門

When you try to leave the house wearing her shirt:

3. 或是他想穿著你的衣服出門

And when she tries to leave the house wearing yours:

4. 打架的時候

When things get physical:


5. 你爸媽挺你的時候

When your parents take your side of an argument:

6. 當你想轉臺的時候

When you couldn't agree on what show to watch:

7. 他要去某個地方的時候

When she's got somewhere to be:

8. 當別人告訴你你姐妹超辣的時候

When someone tells you, "Your sister's hot":

9. 當你們搶副駕駛座

When you both call shotgun:

10. 你們知道誰是最後一個洗澡的

When you know exactly who took a shower last:

11. 當他在爸媽面前裝無辜

When she acts innocent in front of your parents but you know better:

12. 當你爸媽叫你們擁抱和好你卻還在生氣

When you get in a fight and your mom makes you "hug it out" even though you're still mad:

13. 當他開始在爸媽面前竊笑

When she starts laughing about something bad you did right in front of your parents:
NBCUniversal / Via quickmeme.com

14. 你從洗手間回來他卻搶了你的位置

When you come back from the bathroom and she's in your favorite spot:

15. 當你要偷偷的罵對方否則你父母會生氣

When you have to find sneaky ways to fight with her so your parents won't get mad:

16. 當你的父母把責任交給你

When your parents put you in charge:
dadoffrankenstein.wordpress.com / Via Columbia Pictures

17. 你意識到你不能沒有她

When you realize you'd be lost without her:


